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über Trends in der digitalen Beschaffung.

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December 19, 2024

6 Procurement Trends for 2025: Navigating Challenges, Embracing Opportunities

As the year draws to a close, it's customary for corporate blogs to reflect on the past year's developments and offer forecasts for the upcoming year. In this spirit, we aim to examine the key challenges that have engaged the industry and, more specifically, procurement organizations throughout this year, as well as the obstacles they are expected to face in 2025.

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May 4, 2023

Einblicke gewinnen und strategische Entscheidungen treffen: So kann Procurement Analytics Einkaufsteams unterstützen

Die Beschaffungsanalyse kann als der Prozess der Verwendung von Datenanalysetechniken und -tools zusammengefasst werden, um Einblicke in den Beschaffungsprozess und die Ausgaben eines Unternehmens zu gewinnen.

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October 8, 2024

Procurement Intelligence Solution ivoflow selected for Spend Matters’ Future 5 List

Ivoflow has been selected for Spend Matters' prestigious "Future 5" list. This list highlights five innovative procurement technology startups based on thorough research of emerging procurement tech solutions. Ivoflow, which applied for the first time during this fall cycle, was not only featured on the Spend Matters Solution Map but also recognized as one of the most impressive procurement tech startups of the year. The platform provides full transparency, identifies cost-saving opportunities, and offers continuous insights into evolving market dynamics.

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