Unlock your maximum potential

using our procurement intelligence software

ivoflow is the software smart executives in industrial companies use. Save money and stay ahead of the competition. Leverage the power of advanced AI to interpret data and automatically generate new insights and cost-saving-opportunities. Are you ready to take action?

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The complexity and data overload are slowing down your Strategic Procurement Teams

Living in a world of big data, strategic procurement is getting more complex, resources are getting less and the “low-hanging-fruits“ are gone. Your team is spending a significant amount of time on data preparation, visualizations or crunching numbers. There is not much time left to work on strategies or to negotiate effectively with your suppliers.

Amount of Data

Due to the high amount of data, it is impossible to be on top of everything at all times.

Unused Technologies

The potential of intelligent technologies can not be utilized using tools like Excel and PowerPoint.

Data Quality

The essential data is often not readily available, not connected, live, outdated, or hard to analyze.

Lost Time

Today, time is spent preparing data manually; therefore, the focus is not on what matters the most.

Get your procurement up

and running.

Be ready for more than just data visualization:

  • AI-based analytics of all internal data and external market intelligence
  • Automatic identification of new value-delivery-initiatives
  • Individual spend cubes for everyone in your team
  • Seamless and collaborative tracking of your procurement initiatives
A factory

Empowering strategic procurement

to reach the next maturity level.

For CPOs

Drive efficiency, increase capability and free up your resources. Gain real-time visibility into spend, savings and KPIs and access automated opportunities and risks. Free up time and empower your team.

For CFOs

Benefit from greater visibility and control over your organizational spend. Execute strategies based on data-driven insights and analytics. Asses financial risks associated with internal spend data and macro economics. Optimize your company's cash flow in uncertain environments.

For CIOs

Take advantage of a seamless integration of ivoflow in your existing technology stack. Manage procurement data across disrupted systems and increase your data quality and productivity.

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about our procurement solution?

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Let us show you how ivoflow can support your business. We are ready to showcase our procurement management system. Together we will find the perfect solution for your company. Feel free to give us a call or e-mail us today!